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Friday, 1 April 2011


We developed this blog is to fulfill one of the demands and needs of the subject of creative thinking and problem solving UTA 2072 (CTPS). This blog is also the concept of Islam, which was built to show our love of great beloved Prophet addition, the purpose of this blog is to open the eyes of society developed on a variety of ways and methods used by the enemies of Islam (orientalis) to overthrow Islam. Among the means and methods used are tomohan, curses, and slander that is made for the degrading of our great beloved Prophet addition, the blog we introduced to the public figures of the famous orientalist, in which they learn and learn Islam with the aim to find the weaknesses and defects of Islam. Besides, we also show the range of current issues related to Islam and to answer all the issues based on evidences and valid opinions. Hence, this blog is expected to help open the eyes of society and the Islamic enemy attacks against Islam

Thursday, 31 March 2011


William Montgomery Watt

William Montgomery Watt (14 March 1909 – 24 October 2006) was a Scottish historian, an Emeritus Professor in Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Edinburgh. Watt was one of the foremost non-Muslim interpreters of Islam in the West, was an enormously influential scholar in the field of Islamic studies and a much-revered name for many Muslims all over the world." Watt's comprehensive biography of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, Muhammad at Mecca (1953) and Muhammad at Medina (1956), are considered to be classics. Watt has described and accused prophet Muhammad as being like an Old Testament prophet, who came to restore fair dealing and belief in one God to the Arabs, for whom these were or had become irrelevant concepts. This would not be a sufficiently high estimate of his worth for most Muslims.

Martin luther

Martin Luther (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546) was a German priest and professor of theology who initiated the Protestant Reformation. He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment of sin could be purchased with money. He confronted indulgence salesman Johann Tetzel with his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517. His refusal to retract all of his writings at the demand of Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521 resulted in his excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the emperor. His theology against Islamic aqida’ and syaria’ which is nonsance and  cannot acceptable by muslim. 

Carl Heinrich Becker

Carl Heinrich Becker (April 12, 1876 – February 10, 1933) was a German scholar on Islam, with many articles in the first edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam to his credit. As a politician he was minister of culture and education in the state of Prussia. Becker was born in Amsterdam.He conquered the editorship of Der Islam because he wants to attract muslim people in german to follow his leadership. These groups of Muslims joined the German scholars also in establishing their institutes and societies or enlarging them. The Palestinian Grand Mufti Amin al-Husaini managed to establish his "Jewish" Institute there in 1943. Nazis supported a wide range of Islamic and "Jewish" studies, not to forget the training courses for mullahs in the army and Nazi troops.

A.J Arberry

Arthur John Arberry (1905-1969) was a British orientalist, scholar, translator, editor, and author who wrote, translated, or edited about 90 books on Persian- and Arab-language subjects. He specialized in Sufi studies, but is also known for his excellent translation of the Koran. He  translated Koran into alphabaticle order starting from A-Z. And then, he inverted the meaning of the verse which muslim cannot identify the true meaning of the verse.

Joseph Schacht

Joseph Schacht born in Ratibor, 15 March 1902, died in Englewood, 1 August 1969. He was a Britsh-German professor of Arabic and Islam at Colombia University at New York. He was the leading Western scholar on Islamic Law, whose Origins Of Muhammadan Jurisprudence (1950) is still considered a centrally important work on the subject. He wrote articles in many version of Encyclopaedia of Islam and and also edited The Legacy Of Islam for Oxford University Press. Another his famous work is An Introduction to Islamic Law (1964). He manipulated people by his writing because he wrote only the bad side of Islam. He also influenced people not to trust Prophet Muhammad and His Companion.

Henri Lammens

Henri Lammens was born in year 1862 and die in year 1937 from France and one of the dangerous orientalist.  Henry Lammens also the author of Islamic Encyclopedia. One of the accuse is, Henry Claimed that The Prophet Nabi Muhammad s.a.w do not like mix. Beside that, Henry Lammens also already changed many history of islam like changed the date of birth Prophet Nabi Muhammad s.a.w and make some bad picture for Fatimah Az-Zahra.

Reynold Alleyne Nicholson

Reynold Alleyne Nicholson, or R. A. Nicholson was born  August 18, 1868 and die August 27, 1945) was an eminent English orientalist, scholar of both Islamic literature and Islamic mysticism, and widely regarded as one of the greatest Rumi scholars and translators in the English language. R.A.Nicholson alsi is the author of  Islamic Encyclopedia. R.A.Nicholson very hate islam and lie to the public that Denying Islam is a religion revealed. R.A.Nicholson also deepens field of Islamic Sufism.

Philip Khuri Hitti

Was Born at year 1886 and die at 1978…Philip Khuri Hitti is Lubnan Public and their religion is Christian. Philip very hate to islam and never say the good about islam,always say and explain that islam is not good. Philip also accuse that The Prophet Nabi Muhammad s.a.w is insane..

Aziz Suryal Atiya

Professor Aziz Suryal Atiya (Arabic: عزيز سوريال عطية;  was born July 5, 1898 and die at September 24, 1988) was a prominent Coptologist who was a Coptic historian and scholar and an expert in Islamic and Crusades  studies. Aziz Suryal Atiya very hate to islam and Aziz Suryal Atiya also many misappropriate about islam…



                       was born June 22, 1850 and die at November 13, 1921), was a Hungarian orientalist. Along with the German Theodore Noldeke and the Dutch Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, he is considered the founder of modern Islamic studies in Europe.The main author of Islamic Encyclopedia. Goldziher is the founder of  the movement that accusation about hadith. The orientalist friends think that Goldziher expert in the field of hadith. Goldziher accuse that the meaning of Al-quran changed after The Prophet Nabi Muhammad s.a.w death. Goldziher and their orientalist friends very hate to islam..

In the caricature created by the enemies of Islam to insult the Prophet Muhammad.

Di antara karikator yang dibuat oleh musuh-musuh islam untuk menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW
 In the caricature created by the enemies of Islam to insult the Prophet Muhammad.


Dan ada dikalangan mereka yang melakar wajah Nabi Muhammad SAW.
And there are those among them who drew the face of the Prophet Muhammad.

Dan ada dikalangan golongan laknat ini melukis dan menceritakan berbaur lucah terhadap Nabi Muhammad SAW.
And there are the curse of drawing circles and telling obscene blend of the Prophet Muhammad.

 Ada yang mengatakan Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah Rasul palsu.
There is a saying of Prophet Muhammad is the messenger fake.

Dan pelbagai tomahan yang teredapat dalam laman social masa kini.
And many tomahan in the social pages of today.

Dan pelbagai lagi serangan-serangan yang dibuat oleh musuh-musuh islam.
And other attacks by the enemies of Islam. 

Nabi Muhammad SAW seorang yang Ummi( Buta Huruf) bagaimana mengajar para sahabat Al-Quran.

1)   Nabi Muhammad SAW seorang yang Ummi( Buta Huruf) bagaimana mengajar para sahabat Al-Quran.

Orang-orang kafir mengatakan nabi Muhammad SAW seorang yang buta huruf dan bagaimana seseorang yang buta huruf boleh mengajar tentang Al-Quran.

2) Prophet Muhammad SAW an Ummi (unlettered) how to teach the Companions of the Qur'an.

Those who disbelieve say Prophet Muhammad an illiterate and uneducated on how a person can be taught about the Koran
Bantahan menolak fitnah mereka.

Jika dimaksudkan al-ummi disini adalah orang yang buta huruf, tidak tahu membaca dan menulis. Justeru bukan menjadi aib kepada nabi Muhammad SAW, tetapi menjadi bukti yang kuat dan kukuh bahawa apa yang diturunkan dari Allah SWT adalah wahyu bukannya dari bacaan, dan bukan beliau dapat dari belajar dengan orang lain.
Dengan begitu, kritikan dan tuduhan ini justeru menjadi bukti yang menguatkan dan mendukung beliua, bukan sebaliknya.
Al-quran menyangkah kritikan ini dengan sanggahan yang tegas.
Dan mereka berkata”dogengan-dogengan orang-orang dahulu,dimintanya supaya menulis, dan dibacakanlah dogengan itu kepadanya setiap pagi dan petang.”.katakanlah,”Al-quran itu diturunkan (Allah) yang mengetahui segala rahsia dilangit dan dibumi. Sesungguhnya dia adalah maha pengampun lagi maha penyayang.”                                                 (al-Furqan [25]:6)

Cukuplah bagi nabi Muhammad SAW yang ummi(tidak tahu membaca dan menulis), bahawa kitab suci yang diturunkan kepada beliau merupakan mukjizat yang melemahkan para kaum Musyrik Arab yang terkenal dengan kafasihan bahasanya,bahkan  al-Quran menentang mereka untuk mendatangkan dan membuat yang semacam al-Quran bahkan hanya satu surah yang semacam dengan al-Quran.
Cukuplah hal ini sebagai dalil dan bukti akan kebenaran risalah beliau, bahawa apa yang beliau sampaikan, seperti yang dikatakan oleh sebahagian pembesar mereka, bukanlah dari jenis sajak para dukun, bukan syair dan pula dari perkataan manusia.
Letter rejecting them libel.

Where is al-ummi here are people who are illiterate, not knowing how to read and write. Therefore not be a disgrace to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, but it became stronger and stronger evidence that the revelation of God is a revelation instead of reading, and not beliau to the learning with others.
That way, criticism and accusations are therefore to be evidence that strengthens and supports beliau, not vice versa.
Al-Quran deny this criticism with a strong protest.
And they said, "dogengan-dogengan ancients, was asking to be written, and recited dogengan him every morning and evening..say," Al-Quran was sent down (God) who knows the secrets of heaven and earth. Indeed he is Forgiving, Most Merciful."(al-Furqan [25]: 6)

Enough of the prophet Muhammad SAW read not (do not know how to read and write), that the holy book was revealed to beliua is a miracle that undermine the well-known ethnic Arab poly theists with fluent language, even the Quran to them to bring in and make the kind of al-Quran even just a chapter similar to the al-Quran.
Enough of this as evidence and prove the beliau pamphlet, that what goes beliau, like is said by some of their chiefs, not the traditional type of poetry, not poetry, and also from the words of men.

Rasullah SAW menyetubuhi isterinya yang sedang haid.

1)   Rasullah SAW menyetubuhi isterinya yang sedang haid.

Yang mana orang kafir menuduh Rasullah Menyetubuhi isterinya ketika haid berdasarkan hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari dan Imam Muslim. Dalam Sohih Bukhari dan Sohih Muslim… yang bermaksud:

Dari Maimunah binti al- Harits al- Hilaliyyah, ia berkata,”Nabi saw apabila ingin menggauli salah satu isterinya ia memerintahkannya, lalu isterinya tersebut memakai sarung dalam keadaan haid”.
Dan diriwayatkan juga dalam Sohih Bukhari dan Sohih Muslim disebutkan juga oleh Aisyah.
Kerana kebodohanya mereka menyangka bahawa hali ini bertentangan dengan dengan firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud:
Mereka bertanya kepada kamu tentang haid. Katakanlah, “ haid itu adalah kotoran “. Oleh sebab itu, hendakalah kamu menjauhkan diri dari wanita diwaktu haid, dan janganlah kamu mendekati mereka, sebelum mereka suci, maka campurilah mereka itu di tempat yang diperintahkan Allah kepadamu. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang taubat dan menyukai orang-orang yang menyucikan diri.(al-Baqarah [2]: 22)

Slandered the Prophet Muhammad. 

1) Rasullah intercourse with his wife saw that her blood(haid). 

Which unbelievers accuse his wife intercourse during menstruation Rasullah the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim. In sohih Bukhari and Muslim ... which means: 
From Maimunah bint al-Harith al-Hilaliyyah, he said, "Allah's if you want to mix one of his wife he commanded, and his wife are wearing gloves in menstruation." 
And also narrated in Bukhari and sohih Muslim sohih also mentioned by her. 
foolish  because they thought that Hali is contrary to the word of God says: 
They ask you about menstruation. Say, "menstruation is dirt."Therefore, let keep away from women at a time when menstruation, and do not approach them until they are clean, then come to them in the place commanded by Allah. Truly Allah loves those who repent and He loves those who purify themselves. 
(Al-Baqarah [2]: 22)

Bantahan menolak fitnah mereka.

Penyebabnya, mereka tidak faham. Persetubuhan yang dilarang dalam ayat adalah dalam faraj. Adapun selain faraj diperbolehkan sesuai dengan sepakatan Ulama.
Imam Ahmad Abu Daud , at Tirmizi, dan Ibnu Majah meriwayatkan dari Abdullah Bin Saad al- Anshari bahwa dia bertanya kepada Rasullah SAW, “Apakah yang boleh bagiku dari isteriku yang sedang haid? “Rasullah SAW menjawap, “apa yang berada di atas sarung”.

Ibnu Jarir meriwayatkan bahawa Masruq pergi kepada Aisyah. Masruq berkata,”salam sejahtera kepada nabi dan keluarganya.”Aisyah berkata,”selamat datang, izinkanlah dia masuk.” Masruq berkata.” Sesungguhnya aku ingin menanya sesuatu kepadamu, tetapi aku malu.”Aisyah berkata.” Sesungguhnya aku dalah ibumu dan kamu adalah anakku.” Masruq berkata, “Apakah yang boleh bagi laki-laki terhadap isterinya yang sedang haid?” “Segalanya sesuatu kecuali jima”,jawap Aisyah. Dalam sebuah riwayat disebutkan,” apa yang di atas sarung”.
Sungguh kami telah melihat dalam hadis maimunnah bahawasanya nabi Muhammad SAW apabila ingin mengauli isterinya ia memerintahkanya, lalu isterinya memakai sarung.  

Letter rejecting them libel.

The reasons, they do not understand. Sexual intercourse is prohibited in the section of the vagina. The vagina is allowed according to other scholars deal.
Imam Ahmad Abu Dawud, at Tirmidhi, and Ibnu Majah narrated from Abdullah bin Saad al-Ansari that he saw Rasullah asked, "What can me from my wife who is menstruating? "Rasullah SAW replied," what is in the scabbard. "

Ibn Jarir narrated that Masruq go to her. Masruq said, "Peace on the Prophet and his family." She said, "Welcome, let him go."Masruq said. "I want to ask something to you, but emembarrassed." she said. "I am your mother and your is my son. "
Masruq said, "What can the man to his wife that her blood (haid)?”All things except jima, "she informed. In a history stated, "what is in the scabbard. "
Indeed we have seen in the hadith that the Prophet Muhammad SAW maimunnah if you want it 
ordered intercourse with his wife, and his wife to wear gloves.

Issue of Akad Nikah at mosque is habit of Christian

Akad Nikah At Mosque : Between Jumhur and Imam Syawkani

1.View and Opinion Mazhab Syafie
Ulama Mazhab Syafie have three writer that talk this issue.
First : Fathul Ma’in written by Imam Zainuddin al-Malibari;
Second : I’anah al-Tolibin written by Sayyid al-Bakri al-Dumyati; and
Third : Tuhfatul Muhtaj written by Syaikh Ibnu Hajar al-Haytami.

All of these three writer agree that akad nikah in mosque is UNPROHIBITED.
They come out with hadith Prophet Muhammad S.A.W  which recorded by al-Tabarani dan Tirmizi. Narrated by Saidatina Aisyah R.A.
The hadith is just follow :
أعْلِنُوا هذا النكاحَ واجْعَلوه في المساجد واضْرِبوا عليه بالدفوف

Translation: "announce [the audience] and make this marriage [managing the contract] in the mosque and beat him kompang"

Author I'anah al-Tolibin recorded:
ويسن أن يكون العقد في المسجد. قال في التحفة: للأمر به في خبر الطبراني

Translation: "And circumcised the contract [marriage] is in the mosque. Said [Shaykh Ibn Hajar al-Haytami] in [his book] Tuhfah, [desirable to do the ceremony in the mosque] because [the] order [do so] in the Hadith [recorded by] al-Tabarani. "
In short, do the ceremony in a mosque is under sect Syafie MERIT.

2.Opinion by 4 mazhab
According to al-Fiqhiyyah Mausu'ah al-Kuwaitiyyah, majority of (the majority) scholars say, CONCERNING make marriage in the mosque (Volume 39, ms.221).

They were scholars and Hanafi sect Syafie (Volume 32, ms.6) and Hanbali sect (cf. the book Fatawa Istisyarat Mauqi Wa al-Islam al-Yaum, Volume 11, ms.231)

While Maliki said it MUST only, not recommended (Mausu'ah Fiqhiyyah al-Kuwaytiyyah, Volume 32. Ms.6)

Mausu'ah Fiqhiyyah Kuwaitiyyah recorded:
قال الحنفية والشافعية يندب عقد النكاح في المسجد, لحديث "أعلنوا هذا النكاح, واجعلوه في المساجد, واضربوا عليه بالدفوف" وقال المالكية إنه جائز

Translation: "He said the scholars [sect] Hanafi and Shafi` i, is desirable [is] the ceremony in a mosque on the hadith "announce [the audience] and make this marriage [managing the contract] in the mosque and beat him kompang. Said the scholars [sect] Maliki, it (make the marriage in a mosque is) should be ".

Other scholars said circumcision was doing the ceremony in the mosque Imam Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmu 'al-Fataawa, and Imam Ibn al-Qayyim in I'lam Muwaqqi'in (cf. book Istisyarat Mauqi Wa Fatawa al-Islam al-Yaum , Volume 11, ms.231).
In conclusion, the scholars four schools (Shafi `i, Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali) say unanimously recommended to the ceremony in a mosque (see the book Istisyarat Mauqi Wa Fatawa al-Islam al-Yaum, Volume 11, ms.259)

Evidence majority of scholars
Majority of scholars based on the following postulates:
First: Al Tabarani above;
Second: Akad nikah performed in the mosque to take the blessings of the mosque
Third: The mosque is a place well known. Thus, doing the ceremony in the mosque will spread the word marriage. While marriage is the dissemination of news is a claim to Islamic law.
Fourth: Marriage is religious. Hence, circumcision is an agreement in the mosque.

Assessment of the Hadith
The hadith scholars differ in assessing Tabarani above hadith as follows:

First: Al-hassan hadis Tabarani is:
This was stated by al-Hafiz al-Sakhawi in al-Maqasid al-Hasanah, Volume 1, ms.36, al-'Ajluni in Kasyful Khafa ', Volume 1, ms.145 and others.

Second: This hadith weak.
This was stated by Imam al-Bayhaqi (al-Tahir al-Hindi in tazkirah.The Maudhu'at, Volume 1, ms.55), al-Albanian in Irwa 'al-Ghalil, Volume 7, ms.50 and others.
Imam 3.Opinion by Syawkani
Imam Syawkani have differences of opinion with the majority of scholars. For him, the marriage MUST NOT be done in the mosque.

This is because the mosque is built to be a place of remembrance of Allah and prayers.
Thus, other things other than the remembrance of Allah and prayers, can not be done in the mosque, except with the specific proposition that requires it.
For these reasons, eating, drinking, sleeping and reading poetry in the mosque is required because there is specific evidence that requires it.

He recorded in his book al-Sail al-Jarrar (Volume 2, ms.247-248):

فالمساجد إنما بنيت لذكر الله والصلاة, فلا يجوز فيها غير ذلك إلا بدليل يخصص هذا العموم, كما وقع من لعب الحبشة بحرابهم في مسجده - صلى الله عليه وسلم -, وهو ينظر, وكما قرر من كانوا يتناشدون الأشعار فيه

Translation: "The mosque was built for real [to place] the remembrance of Allah and [establish] the prayer, it MUST NOT [be] in it (the mosque) except [from] it, but with [the] proposition that specializes generality of [the law] is, like a javelin game by Ethiopian men at the mosque while the Prophet and as he saw the certificate [Messenger] to the people who read the poem in it (the mosque). "

Imam did not accept the hadith Tabarani Syawkani on the proposition that a majority of scholars, because it is a weak hadith in his assessment (see Nayl al-Awtar, Volume 6, ms.211).

The presentation can be concluded as follows:

1. Denominations Denominations Syafie and 3 of the Hanafi, Maliki and Hambali told CONCERNING agreed to do the ceremony at the mosque.
Thus, the correct statement should set out by the religious authorities on this issue is, "doing the ceremony in a mosque is recommended by majority of scholars from different sects, including the official sect, the sect Syafie."
Clearly, the compulsion to do the ceremony in a mosque is not simply rely on administrative issues, which facilitate the marriage and save time.

2. Based on the views and the majority of scholars Syafie sect, the ceremony can be performed consistently in the mosque.
It can also be done in the mosque by faith (trust) that do so in the mosque has its advantages, namely circumcision.
In contrast to the Permanent Council of Fatwa view of Saudi Arabia who said the ceremony in the mosque to do consistently, or think they have the advantage, is heresy. (See:

3. Individuals are prohibited performed the ceremony in the mosque should not be labeled as ignorant or attempt to mislead the public.
This is because, among scholars there who think so, the Imam Syawkani as indicated.

4. Performing the ceremony in the mosque is forbidden because it resembles the practices of Christians do in church, does not arise. Even Imam Syawkani itself did not make 'like a Krisitan', for reasons forbidden conduct the ceremony in a mosque.
Allah knows best.
Note: All references quoted are based Maktabah Syamilah.