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Thursday, 31 March 2011

Glow Reading and Final Prayer Year?

The purpose of prayer we read this year was for the past sins forgiven and accepted all the good deeds. The purpose of reading the beginning of the prayer is for the protected from the deception of Satan, easier to do good deeds, with the intention of the new determination to improve relations with the creators and the relations among God's creatures.

Despite some opinions to say that reading this prayeras heretical and illegal practices. But I think if you say no one, even encouraged. The heresy that is actually false hadith on prayer. I totally agree with this prayer by stripping issues forum have to get a simple and clear conclusion on this issue.

"As the prayer may take away sins or not, the business was handed over to God. It is He who commanded us to pray, and He forgives sin and prayer. This is our effort to be ruled by his reply. Banyak2 argument for sin and pray the argument superficial, since no one knows how long its life. Also, it seems to fool those who pray every day for forgiven by God. Why not just wait for the new parents say. the younger banyak2 sin. The argument is very shallow and not should be ignored, but must be answered as many of them are superficial knowledge, but admitted knowledge. All of us agree that doing things that are prohibited by Islamic law and should definitely be illegal. So why the need to question things like this. But we as humans are not sure Maksum will not shy away from mistakes. So we have from time to time asking for forgiveness from Allah swt with the intention of committing a sin to pray in the hope of others to be forgiven is a clear intent and unlawful one. "

"Prayer at the beginning and end of the year is a good thing and should be done by all levels of society, but it is not a must. You want to pray, pray at all times and when. Every time it well and when her prayers at the beginning and the end of the year. Pray for our sins I hope in the last year we are forgiven and accepted practices. pray in this new initiative we helped to fight the devil, who call evil desires and the assistance to religious charities of maybe. Wallahuallam.

To peel the longer and more clearly, please click HERE! Hopefully all questions regarding these  issues will be broken. Related links: Final Prayer Year and New Year AH

SZ: Better to ban ritual celebration of fireworks, concerts and amusement.

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