Reading yasin
Muslims in Malaysia are generally welcomed the night Nisfu Sha'ban (15th Sha'ban) to celebrate Yasin recited three times after the Maghrib prayers. In between these Yasin recital interspersed with prayers such as, after reading the first Yasin with a prayer for salvation of the world hereafter, after reading the Yasin prayer to extend the blessings of life, and after the third reading of the prayer that Yasin was awarded the halal food. Noted that the practice of Sha'ban response kaifiatnya Nisfu this is not practiced elsewhere in the world. Not surprisingly, there is no fatwa issued by the Ulema of the world today venerated batilnya authentic practice.
We work and worship are to be rewarded and virtue. This practice should be no example of the Prophet or my friends or there is a clear indication of al-Quran and As-Sunnah. The practice specializes in a particular reading and prayer at a time without an authentic text is the heresy that rejected the practice and fear sin, at least it will be a waste of time and exhaust the body. We could read the Yasin surah as much as possible at any time to get a reward but not to specify the night Nisfu Syabaan and the number three. What we are encouraged to pray to Allah for the good of the world and the hereafter, but do not have dedicated amid Yasin recital at night Nisfu Sha'ban. And we could read the Yasin surah and praying alone, wherever and whenever and not have to berkampung mosques in the hope that special rewards from Allah swt.
Here is the fatwa issued by a leading scholar on the Middle East to explain the practice of heresy in the night Nisfu Sha'ban. Note that he did not mention the practice of reading the Yasin and the accompanying prayers because the practice is not practiced by people in the Middle East or elsewhere in the Muslim world. Arguably, the practice of reading and prayer Yasin is part of the many creations of local heretical practices specific to the practice of the archipelago residents!
'Prayer Circumcision' Nisfu Sha'ban, Word of God (mafhumnya): "This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favor upon you and have chosen Islam as a religion for you." [Al-Maa'idah 5:3]. "Shall they have associates who determines any part of any religious laws are not allowed by God? " [Al-Syur.a 42:21].
'Prayer Circumcision' Nisfu Sha'ban, Word of God (mafhumnya): "This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favor upon you and have chosen Islam as a religion for you." [Al-Maa'idah 5:3]. "Shall they have associates who determines any part of any religious laws are not allowed by God? " [Al-Syur.a 42:21].
In al-Sahihain narrated from `A'ishah (ra) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) once said:" Whoever innovates anything new in the business of (religious) that we are not part of it, will be rejected.
In Saheeh Muslim it is narrated from Jabir, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said in his sermon: "Keep you in my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Khulafa 'peace and hold fast to him ... Beware of the newly fabricated, as every new thing is heresy and every heresy that things are wrong. "There are many other verses of the Koran and Hadith similar. This clearly shows that Allah has perfected the religion of this ummah, and completed His favor upon them. He did not take the soul of His Majesty's message, delivered complete with seterang-clearly and explained to the ummah everything that God has commanded both words and deeds. He's had to explain that to worship is designed after his death, all the readings and practices allegedly carried out by Muslims, all this will be thrown back to the person who invented the practice, although they have good intentions.
The Companions of the Prophet saw knew about this fact, nor the Salaf after them. They condemned the heresy, and prohibiting it, as has been noted in books that extol the Sunni and condemn heresy, written by bin Waddah, al-Tartushi, bin Shamah and others. Among the practices of human innovation is designed to celebrate the middle of Sha'ban (Nisfu Sha'ban), and organized a fast for the day. No nas (propositions) that can be trusted on this fast. There are some weak hadith has been consulted about the virtues of fasting, but it can not be held. Hadiths narrated concerning the virtues of prayer in conjunction with all of Sha'ban Nisfu is mawdoo '(fiction), as has been explained by most scholars. We will see some quotes from reviews of these scholars.
Some history of this case is mentioned of some scholars were salaf in Syria, and others. According to the majority of scholars, welcome Nisfu Sha'ban is heresy, and the hadith about the virtues-the virtues of the day is weak (weak), most of them are mawdoo '(fabricated). Among the scholars to clarify this matter is al-Haafiz bin Rajab, in his book al-Ma'aarif Lataa'if, and others. Hadiths dha `if the religious can be adopted for the acts of worship which are through the verses of Sahih. There is no basis for the celebration of Sahih Nisfu Sha'ban, the hadith is dha `if these can not be used.
This important basic principles have been mentioned by Imam Abu'l-'Abbas Sheikh al-Islam ibn Taymiyah (rahimahullah). The scholars (rahimahumullah) have agreed that when there is disagreement among the people, the obligatory reference to Allah and His Messenger Any results obtained from one or both are laws that must be followed, such a possible conflict with both of them must be rejected. As such, any acts of worship which are not specified in the two (the Qur'an and Sunnah) is heresy and not allowed to do it, let alone call others to do or approve.
As the Word of God (mafhumnya): "O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and the" Ulil-Amri "(those in authority) from among you. Then, if you dispute (dispute) in a matter, then you must return it to the (Bible) God (the Koran) and the (Sunni) Messenger if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. Which is better (for you) and more seemly in the end. "[Al-Nisa '4:59] ". And (Say O Muhammad to follow): Whatever you disagree then the decision is up to Allah that this judge is Allah, my Lord: In Him I trust and unto Him I turn (in any event). "[al-Shura 42:10]. "Say (O Muhammad): If ye do love Allah, follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, and (remember), Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Aal ' 3:31]".
So, by your Lord (O Muhammad)! They can have no faith until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, then they will not feel in their hearts an appeal from what you set, and they fully accept the decision. "[Al-Nisa ' 4:65]”. Many of the other verses of similar meaning as above, which states clearly that any dispute shall be referred to the Qur'an and Sunnah, so must comply with the results obtained from both Nas is. It is a condition of faith, and this is the best man in the world and the hereafter: "This is better (for you) and more suitable for final determination" [al-Nisa '4:59 - mafhumnya] the point is the Day of Judgement.
Al-Hafiz ibn Rajab (RA) mentions in his book al-Ma'aarif Lataa'if on this issue - after discussing it at length - "Night of Sha'ban Nisfu tabi'in originally preferred by the group of the population in Syria, including Khalid bin Mi 'and, Makhul, Luqman bin' Amir and others, where they pray fervently for the night. The public assumes that the night is precious for what they did. Mentioned that they had heard narrations Israiliyyat the advantages of the night, while the majority of scholars in the Hijaz reject the validity of this history, among them is 'Ata' and Ibn Abi Malikah. 'Abdul Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam narrated this verdict from the jurists (scholars of the Fiqh) in Medina, and this is the view of Maliki scholars and others. And they said this is heresy ...Imam Ahmad was never known to say anything about (the response) Nisfu Sha'ban night ... praying all night about the practice Nisfu Sha'ban, there is no authentic narration from the Prophet (peace be upon him) or from his companions ... " This is what was mentioned by al-Hafiz ibn Rajab (RA). He made it clear that none of the authentic history of the Prophet nor his Companions (RA) on the night Nisfu Shaaban (mid-Sha'ban).
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