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Thursday, 31 March 2011

The practice of visiting graves is not heresy -By Mohd. Shauki Abd. Majid

Is indeed the practice of visiting cemeteries is a common practice and the ancient traditions of our society. Especially in the Aidilfitri festive season they visited the cemetery and pray for menyedekahkan verses the Qur'an to those who left early to leave this world. Some specific groups strongly condemned the act or tradition, or read the Quran Surah Yasin in the Muslim community when visiting cemeteries. In fact, it is said that reading the Quran or Tahlil in an act of grave heresy and error.

According to their deeds are not organized religions, has never been done by the Prophet This action could lead to false worship is very dangerous to the integrity of the Muslim faith. While the fact that in terms of manners to visit the cemetery we read the Qur'an is desirable, such as Surah al-Fatihah, al-Ikhlas, Al-Mauzatain or read Surat Yasin and the reward was presented to the reading of the tomb of Imam Ahmad said: The reward will come to the reading of the grave. An increasing number of family members who read the Yasin surah certainly be many more grace the stream is given to those who visited.

They recommended reading surah Yasin as the Prophet said Meaning: Those who make pilgrimage to the graves of both parents or one of them on Friday and recited Surah Yasin, he will be forgiven their sins and be counted as good. The only thing that is very good practice when visiting the grave was reading (part of) the Quran and remembrance of Allah swt Many scholars assert that the reading of the Koran that can be up to the spirits of those who have died.

In Surah Yasin prominence, described the Prophet saw narrated by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal in masnadnya by Abu Dawood, An-Nasai and authenticated by Ibn Hiban, Messenger said, which means: Recite Yasin for people who would (or would) have died out of you (Muslims). Abu Hurairah r.a. narrated that the Prophet s.a.w. said, which means, He who visit the cemetery, and then he read al-Fatiha, Qul Huwa llahu Alhakumut takasur Sunday and then he prayed, "O Allah, reward kuhadiahkan thy word reading at the tomb occupant Faithful people, so they will be helper (intercede) on the Day of Judgement. This hadith as evidence by scholars about the possible reading the Quran for those who have died.

Visiting the graves is also aimed occurred courtesy of the tomb occupants, especially to the spirit of both our parents and encouraging their presence, pray for flooded with grace, forgiveness and the healthiness of God. That prayer request virtuous son, who always pray for both of their parents who have died will be accepted and written by God as children obey their parents. Prophet s.a.w. in the hadith narrated by Muslim Faith, which means: When a man dies, will cut off from all practices except for three things: a continuing charity benefit, the benefit of science, or a righteous child who prays for him.

In addition, we also desirable to pray in a way to turn back towards the Qiblah and raise both hands and beg to Allah swt I hope the spirit of the tomb flooded with grace, safety, healthiness, etc. This is what Allah's Ibrahim on his grave. Visiting the graves is indeed sliding even disunahkan. Prophet s.a.w. often a pilgrimage to the Muslim cemetery and pray ask for forgiveness for the traitor who is a member of the forth, as evidence that the Prophet is a mercy.

A hadith narrated by Bukhari said: The Messenger past two graves. Then, he said. Both of these graves are being punished God, though not because of sin. He s.a.w. then put on the two graves that are still green palm fronds while praying, indeed the two palm fronds that, Allah willing, against their will meringinkan until it dried fronds. With the blessing of the graves was the presence of Allah, the Lord lighten pass.

Pilgrimage is also a way for us to pray for those who have preceded us. Al-Quran pointed out that prayer is: Lord forgive those who have preceded us in faith. (The meaning of al-Quran surah Al-HASHR:10). That the Koran commands us to pray for those who had died earlier. Our prayer is read when the visit the grave. Visiting the graves together reading the Koran verses can actually soften the hardened hearts because when someone visits the grave he would have remembered the word of God that says: Every soul will taste death, certainly. (Al-Anbiyaa paragraph 35). Similarly, in another the word of God says: All beings (on earth) would surely perish, and thy dwelling a substance has a grandeur and glory. (Surah al-Rahman, verse 26-27).

If people had remembered and appreciate the revelations of Allah, he will certainly be left feeling frightened and evil. Indeed Islam encourages its followers to be mutual respect among people, and no exception to those who have died. That is why Islam encourages its followers to respect and maintain the dignity of the tomb burial environment. Highly regrettable if the practice of reciting the Quran at the grave of the Prophet's practice and his friends are alleged heresy (wrong) and so forth. Muslims who return home only once a year celebration, and they were encouraged to seize the opportunity to visit the graves of his parents, and indirectly also to educate his children (his grandchildren) to visit the cemetery when the good practices.

* Mohd. Shauki Abd. Majid is the Research Manager Islamic Da'wah Foundation Malaysia (Yadim).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for good sharing. Surah Yasin is the heart of the Quran.
